IntegrART7’s GUIDE to Cafés & Restaurants in Kraków

IntegrART7’s GUIDE to Cafés & Restaurants in Kraków

One thing that really surprised us about Kraków is the immense culinary diversity in the whole city. In every street you stroll around, each corner you turn and in each district you visit there is a cute café or a nice restaurant waiting to be tested – and we were happy to take that burden upon us and can now proudly present the IntegrART7 culinary guide through Kraków!  

In this article, we will share our favorite places to go for brunch on the weekend, the coziest cafes to meet with friends after work or the best restaurants to take your parents during their visit (and preferably let them pay too… 😊).  


  • Muhabbet  

My absolute top recommendation for brunch is Muhabbet in Kazimierz. Their vegetarian and vegan menu is inspired but the Turkish cuisine and every single dish is an absolute 10/10. It ranges from every single and most creative way of putting eggs on bread over the most delicious Tofu Menemen to the best sweet dishes and cakes imaginable. Everything becomes even better when accompanied by their matcha or chai latte. I would just recommend not to come during the most popular hours, as you will risk not getting a table (for understandable reasons…).  

  • Soup Culture  

A recent recommendable discovery for a quick lunch is Soup Culture on Świętego Sebastiana street connecting Kazimierz with the old town. What makes them so special is not only their unbelievably delicious vegan and vegetarian soups, but above all their concept of “drink your soup, eat your cup”. And that’s exactly what you do. The soup is served in a cup made of a regular dough with some spices. I really love this ecological approach and visiting this cozy place is a healthy experience for both your body and your wallet, as you can get a soup for not even 20 zloty!  

  • Hamsa 

My culinary heart beats for the middle eastern cuisine. And Hamsa has stolen that heart from the first visit! They offer a modern Israeli menu with many vegan and vegetarian options. My personal recommendations are mezze, which are different dips served with flatbread and other good stuff such as falafel or stuffed wine leaves. Go with some friends or family and share a big platter of mezze – all under the motto of “make hummus not war”. 


  • Chimera 

Situated in the heart of the old city, Chimera will please every taste bud, even the pickiest ones. This cafeteria is brimming with delicious homemade food in a green atmosphere. Let’s say you will find what you are looking for in there! 

  • Piec Piekarnia 

Looking for crispy bread on the outside and soft on the inside? Add a little bit of seeds? Breads in Piec Piekarnia will fit you perfectly. They have a large choice of bread and pastry, bonus here: they have a nicely decorated outdoor area. 

  • Youmiko Sushi 

Sushi lovers, you might want to look at this sushi restaurant. In Kazimierz, the very animated Jewish quarter of Krakow, this place will surprise you with its elaborated, local, and delicate flavor. Special mention for the vegan tasting menu – Omakase! 


Hey there, Joseph here! I’ve got some wonderful places to share with you. 
Even though I’m not much of a „going out each weekend to explore new places” kind of person, two establishments have captured my heart like no others. 
Let’s start with the first one: the most hidden of all hidden gems in this beautiful city — Metrum Restobistro

Imagine a small café in the Old Town that doesn’t get much traction and, as a cherry on top, is stationed on a rooftop. That’s Metrum. Everyone I’ve taken to Metrum has been incredibly impressed with the view of Krakow’s rooftops, seeing Bazylika Mariacka from a completely different perspective, and they’ve all taken at least 20 pictures each! You really can’t find a better bang for your buck with how much you get by going there, especially considering the prices. Usually, these sky bars are quite expensive, catering to a more affluent audience. This place is vastly different. 

The café is located on the top floor of a music academy and largely functions as a café/canteen for the academy’s students. Because of this, the prices in the café are amazing. For just 6zl, you can grab a hot cocoa on a chilly winter day and spend 20 minutes mesmerized by the countless lights radiating from the city streets. Or perhaps get a cold drink and a piece of cheesecake on a hot summer’s day and really feel like a local Krakow citizen. 
It’s hard to describe how much of an impact this café has had on me, but my next recommendation is even harder to put into words. 
Have you ever wanted to experience being so satisfied with life that you stop caring about what comes next in this sometimes-miserable existence? Meet The Tokio Tower. This place had my friend and me absolutely buggin’. 

The amount of love and care that goes into each of the six dishes served here is unheard of. This might be a suitable time to mention that this is a very authentic and well-managed traditional Japanese restaurant. From what I’ve read online, the reviews mention that this place is extremely authentic to real homemade Japanese food. Something your mother would have made you. And I completely see it.  

One man came from Japan to this southern Polish city and decided that he would cook and serve the most delicious, mind-blowingly tasty food for as long as he possibly can. Each meal is priced at around 30zl. For that, you get a filling meal (be it curry or something else), a cup of chicken broth, and fresh marinated cucumber pieces to reset your palate. On top of that, the water is always free, the customer service is always top-notch, the Wi-Fi works well, and the vibe of the place is quite cozy. 
What more could you possibly want? 
If you ever want to experience something truly spectacular, I wholeheartedly recommend both of these places. Each one has its own unique charm, which reminds me why I love living in Krakow so much. 
That’s all, folks. 


A nice place for a coffee and amazing treats during the day and a vast choice of wine during the night is called „Szklarnia“ . It‘s a super small café located in Krowoderskiej street. What I really like is the vibe of Szklarnia: The name of this place; which means „Greenhouse” in English, already reveals the atmosphere. All the plants inside give such a comfy and homely feeling that they make you feel very comfortable. In summer guests can also sit outside and enjoy their stay in the shade. For me it’s the perfect place to have a nice home office session (free Wi-Fi ;)), with some coffee and homemade pastry. 

Danya Matcha guide  

Well, well, well. Daniel is here, but you can call me Daniboy. 
Since I’m a huge fan of matcha I decided to find out what’s the best matcha latte place in Kraków.  
I made a list of coffee shops near the center where you can try this amazing drink.  
I worked in a café for two years myself, where I also prepared matcha. So, as a bit of an expert, I want to share my top 3 places where you can enjoy matcha (and have a nice time). 

First, I need to note that some places where I didn’t like the matcha might have different baristas who might prepare it better. However, I will describe purely my experience and impressions. For the sake of consistency, I separated iced matcha latte and hot matcha latte, as they differ in taste. 
3rd place – Muhabbet.  
This is quite an authentic place where you can try really tasty and interesting dishes. They make quite a good matcha, and I have no complaints about it! The place is popular but also not cheap, so I wouldn’t go there often. For 20 zlotych, they make a decent matcha, but not good enough for that price for me to return. 
2nd place – Karma Coffee.  
They have two locations, one near the Bagatela Theater and the other in Kazimierz. The second location has a wonderful inner garden where you can escape the city heat. This was the first café I was shown in Krakow, and I spent quite a lot of time there. Comparing their hot and iced matcha, I would choose the iced one, because for some reason, I like their hot matcha less.  

Overall, it’s an incredibly pleasant place with delicious matcha and other drinks. They also sometimes offer discounts to Ukrainians and regulars, which earns them respect! For this reason, I sometimes choose Karma because 19 zlotych for a drink is a bit much. But you don’t always catch the baristas you know, and if you’re not Ukrainian, you probably won’t get a discount. Every time I’m in Kazimierz, I stop by Karma to enjoy a delicious iced matcha. 
1st place – Tociekawa.  
My favourite place, without any „buts,” is Tociekawa. I discovered Tociekawa in the fall of 2023, and it has captured my heart ever since. You know, if a matcha latte has a poor balance of matcha and milk, you will undoubtedly feel it. If you taste both the milk and the right concentration of matcha, which together create a balanced drink, then the matcha is prepared perfectly. That’s exactly how they make matcha at Tociekawa. I’ve lost count of how many matchas I’ve had at this place. 

This is also the first and only place that offered to add honey to my matcha. And you know what? It’s awesome! The honey makes the matcha taste milder without ruining the flavour. I never knew you could drink it this way! Also, the back yard of the café has a wonderful green area with loungers where you can lie in the sun or hide in the shade of the bushes. If you don’t know about this secret garden, you might never discover it. This garden is a huge advantage of the café because in the city center it’s not always possible to find a quiet place away from the noise of cars and trams.  

Additionally, their homemade pastries are delicious. Recently, I bought 2 Jagodzianki (berry buns) for the price of one because they had baked too many and decided to sell them this way.  
The café has a loyalty system where every tenth cup is free. It’s a small thing but considering the price of matcha (19 zlotych), getting a free tenth cup is still nice. Some baristas already know what I order, so I don’t even have to say anything. They prepare hot and iced matcha with the same great quality, so you won’t be disappointed! 

Overall, considering the café’s atmosphere, the secret garden outside, the pastries, and the matcha, my rating is 10 out of 10.

I recommend it to everyone who appreciates matcha and great cafés.

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