New Year’s IntegrART resolutions

New Year’s IntegrART resolutions

Hey there! IntegrART 8 speaking!

Now that 2024 and the first quarter of the project came to an end, we reflected upon our year and experience so far and we wanted to share some of our thoughts with you. Of course, expectations for the rest of our stay in Krakow are in our minds, so it’s resolutions time!


  • One word to describe 2024


  • Something you recommend that you did or found out about this year (trip, book, film, music, food…)

I have liked the music of AURORA for some years now but with the release of „What happened to the heart” I really started to love her music. She has an outstanding voice and she is an incredible songwriter and I listen to her so much nowadays.

  • How would you describe the experience in the project so far?

I have learned so much new things in the activities I’ve been a part of! From how to organize an activity to the Polish vocabulary I have picked up while listening. I am looking forward to the future in this project too!

  • Resolutions for 2025? And regarding the project?

I will have to repeat my resolution for 2024: to be more open to try anything new and to say yes more when I’m asked to join in, both in the project and in my life.


  • One word to describe 2024


  • Something you recommend that you did or found out about this year (trip, book, film, music, food…)

Love Streams (anything by Cassavetes really and of course queen Gena Rowlands 💐😭)

  • How would you describe the experience in the project so far?

Very fulfilling in unexpected and fun ways, also quite satisfying in a more serious or career-oriented sense.

  • Resolutions for 2025? And regarding the project?

My only resolution is to listen to all of David Bowie’s discography. Concerning the project I would say I want to keep digging into the possibilities of sharing and applying my interests to my work here while keeping an open mind that I might be suitable for things I have yet to discover 🙂


  • One word to describe 2024


  • Something you recommend that you did or found out about this year (trip, book, film, music, food…)

I recommend to do something never tried before just for the plot.

  • How would you describe the experience in the project so far?

It is nice and challenging at same time.

  • Resolutions for 2025? And regarding the project?

To survive, lol JK, to not forget to take personal time and ti enjoy also lonely moments. About the project to do more art workshops.


  • One word to describe 2024


  • Something you recommend that you did or found out about this year (trip, book, film, music, food…)

Nowhere (Movie)

  • How would you describe the experience in the project so far?

So far it was amazing and I am very grateful to be a part of it, it really makes you grow as a person.

  • Resolutions for 2025? And regarding the project?

I don’t really believe in resolutions, if you really want something to happen there is no specific time to start. However I am looking forward for a new course I will start in February and an exhibition I am planning to do in march, but i won’t spoil anything now… 😉


  • One word to describe 2024


  • Something you recommend that you did or found out about this year (trip, book, film, music, food…)

I found out that you can believe in what you want. Expectations and reality are often difficult to reconcile, but maybe there’s a reason why you want something so much. Also, check out Lyric Music—it’s worth a listen.

  • How would you describe the experience in the project so far?

Resonating with my 2024 recap, my experience so far has been truly comforting. I feel good here, and more importantly, I feel fulfilled in my projects. I’ve always wanted to be involved in cultural activities, and this project allows me to do exactly that.

  • Resolutions for 2025? And regarding the project?

Personal: Guess what? Work out more—I know, boring but true. Also, respond to messages in a reasonable time… though by the time this appears on the blog, I’ve probably already broken that one.

Project: Create more projects that truly matter to me and revolve around my passions, especially music.


  • One word to describe 2024


  • Something you recommend that you did or found out about this year (trip, book, film, music, food…)

Going to Granada, staying in a cave and watching sunset with your friends with the magnificient Alhambra next to you.

  • How would you describe the experience in the project so far?

A roller coaster. So many things happened that made me grow as a person. I learned so many things and I met lots of people; now I can’t imagine my life if I weren’t here.

  • Resolutions for 2025? And regarding the project?

My only resolution for 2025 is connecting in a deeper way with myself, taking care of my well being, doing things that I enjoy and appreciating all the little things. And you better be prepared, because I have so many ideas for the project in 2025. I won’t say much for now, but the people in the school will have a master degrees in andalucian culture soon, and I hope they are also able to teach me about Polish culture!

Our story has almost just begun and as you can see, we already have so much to thank this project for and a lot to look forward to, so stay tuned for the new IntegrART 8 season!

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