Hi, my name is Marta, I am from Italy and I took part in the IntegrART project (2022 – 2023) as a volunteer in Dworek Białoprądnicki, where I did a lot of amazing activities!

One of my favorites were the Italian lessons; I taught my language to polish people and I really liked it! I will not forget the satisfaction they have given me in recent months, I am very proud of them.
I also had my own show “Ragazza italiana” on Radio JazzKultura. For me it was like a diary, where I could talk about my culture, my feelings during this year and the experiences I had.
I organized many events alone and with other volunteers, mostly for young and international people and I really enjoyed working with my friends – my team is the best!!
Helping my work colleagues and working for some events in Dworek, gave me the opportunity to discover Polish culture, not only because of the theme of the event, but because I was surrounded by Polish families and it was the best way to get to know this country.

But what about my life in Krakow?
I fell in love with this city, for several reasons. First of all, it is rich in traditions and culture, and for a person who loves art there is nothing better. It is also full of international people and this has made it easier for me to settle here and meet new friends.
I love the welcome and hospitality of the Polish people: if in the afternoon they invite you to their house for a coffee, don’t make plans for the evening, you will stay with them for a long time. 😂
This was my first experience abroad and I will never forget it. I learned a lot, not only practical things, but also about myself. It’s been a year full of excitement, changes, and amazing new things in my life, and I couldn’t be happier. I met amazing people who I now call family and I’m happy to share my next experiences with them, even if we won’t all be together.
I recommend everyone to take part in a project like this, you won’t regret it!
Follow Marta to check her next adventures after IntegrART!