New Year’s IntegrART resolutions
Hey there! IntegrART 8 speaking! Now that 2024 and the first quarter of the project came to an end, we reflected upon our year and experience so far and we wanted to share some of our thoughts with you. Of course, expectations for the rest…
IntegrART 8: the adventure begins!
Hey there! IntegrART 8 speaking! After saying goodbye to our wonderful IntegrART 7 team, it’s time for a new adventure. You know what they say, when a door closes a window opens, so… IntegrART 8 here we come! On the 1st of October we started…
We’re turning the page with the best memories and gratitude – Ira from Ukraine
Hello-hello! Today is September 19, outside is the first real autumn rain, and it’s only 11 days left until the end of one of the biggest adventures of my life. Vibes of sadness are already flying in the air of Pijarska flat, but we don’t…
Year of Growth and Adventure – Avgoustis from Greece
Hello, everyone! I am Avgoustis from Greece and I was (as I am writing this still am ;P) a volunteer on IntegrART 6 project!! It’s a bit challenging to summarize this entire year in an article, and I’m sure I’ll forget to mention many things,…
IntegrART brought me memories for life – Anastasiia from Ukraine
Hello there! It’s Anastasiia from Ukraine. I’ve been lucky enough to volunteer for IntegrART project in culture club Przegorzaly during the part year and today, I’m sharing my thank you letter for this amazing time and what it brought to each of us 🙂 Our…
This year will be what you will make out of it, so be creative – Tereza from Slovakia
Hi! I am Tereza from Slovakia and in less than two weeks I will finish my one-year-long experience with IntegrART 6. I had an incredible time, here in Kraków with other volunteers and my coworkers. I could write about my experience couple pages but that…
It’s been a year full of excitement and changes – Marta from Italy
Hi, my name is Marta, I am from Italy and I took part in the IntegrART project (2022 – 2023) as a volunteer in Dworek Białoprądnicki, where I did a lot of amazing activities! One of my favorites were the Italian lessons; I taught my…
What it’s like to volunteer at 27 LO – Zoe
I have known for a longer time that I wanted to do a gap year after school. There is no rush with starting university and I wanted to have a year to experience something completely different and take a step out of my comfort zone.…
Winter Wonderland. Our tips on how to enjoy winter in Poland
Winter season has a lot of benefits to look forward to. It gives us excitement from magical holidays, anticipation of something new with the New Year, happiness from connecting with people, warm feeling inside… But it can also be challenging. For example, if you’re a…
Happy Holidays from IntegrART! Sharing our Christmas traditions and wishes
IntegrART team wishes you happy winter holidays! Being from different countries, those holidays can look different for all of us, so we decided to share with you some of our family’s traditions and funny stories! Stay with us for more adventures in 2023! See you…